In recent years, labor expenses have swelled due to increased taxes, worker comp costs, and charges associated with the Affordable Care Act. As a result, companies with fewer permanent workers on the roles have a distinctive edge in expenditures and pricing. Organizations must be able to quickly respond, change, and adapt to market conditions.
With such a fluctuating and fragile economy, companies need the ability to contract in bad economic times and then expand when revenues are more flush and additional labor is warranted. The flexibility of on-demand, contract and contingent workers—temporary, temp-to-hire, and direct-hire—could be the factor that determines their future success.
Not Your Grandfather’s Staffing Strategy
At Performance Staffing Solutions, we offer flexible staffing strategies that are tailored to our clients’ needs. Before designing a strategy, we assess what our clients want to accomplish with their contingent workforce initiative. Options include:
Forecasting workload demands - TARGETED RECRUITING
Improve the effectiveness of your recruitment efforts - ADMINISTRATIVE
Optimizing staff and skill levels, employee productivity, and training of your contingent workforce - TRACKING
Custom Billing-Group timecards, online time and attendance
Once we know your company’s goals, we find you candidates with the right skills, and we vet them for personality and cultural fit. The bottom line: We work to fit your program, rather than expecting you to fit ours.
The Advantages of Contract/Contingent Workers
Does your business need workforce flexibility? Here are seven reasons you should use contract and contingent workers:
Reduce taxes, insurance, and benefit costs - ADMINISTRATIVE SAVINGS
Outsource recruiting, screening, and interviewing - BROADEN TALENT POOL
Utilize highly skilled or in-demand specialists on a per-project-basis - VOLUME HIRING
Quickly modify staffing levels - INCREASED EFFICIENCY
Labor fluidity—staff peak periods of demand or for one-time projects - REDUCE BURNOUT & TURNOVER
Keep core employees productive and happy - RECRUITING OPPORTUNITIES
Evaluate prospective employees before committing
Why You Should Use Performance Staffing Solutions
We’re often asked what makes our business unique. Our answer is simple: We specialize in getting work done. We come in each day ready to do our job and do it well, which means finding the perfect matches between qualified job seekers and local businesses. We’re one of the most trusted staffing companies in the Carolinas, and we’ve made it to that point on the basis of relationships. The clients who work with us know us, trust us, and never question whether we’re working hard on their behalf.
Some additional reasons to choose Performance Staffing Solutions include:
- One of Charlotte’s largest local recruiting and staffing providers
- Four locations servicing North Carolina and South Carolina
- Certified Woman-Owned Business servicing the Carolinas for over a decade
- Tenured team with over 70 years combined experience in: recruiting, retention, employee relations, local market trends, and customer service
- Expertise with national partnerships: ensuring orders are filled with top talent and delivering excellent customer service
- We provide the perfect balance that our clients are looking for: The nimbleness and autonomy of an independent agency, with the technology and resources of a nationwide firm
Get the Solutions to Your Staffing Needs
Today’s employers are looking for flexibility and customization in their staffing solutions. That’s what our experts deliver. Performance Staffing Solutions has developed a reputation for always putting the client first, and for providing staffing programs that meet the client’s every need. We welcome you to reach out to us today with any questions about our approach, our history, or the value we can provide. We’re ready to talk with you about developing the workforce you need to drive your business forward. Contact Performance Staffing Solutions in Charlotte, NC, Gastonia, NC, and Rock Hill, SC whenever you’re ready to talk.