You need a plan of action if you are going to achieve your goals. The best way to start is to have achievable and practical resolutions. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely resolutions are the only kind of resolutions that can come to fruition. Think about incorporating all of these criteria into your goal planning. Using the S.M.A.R.T. method, you can’t go wrong!

  • S is for specific.
    When planning your job-seeking goals think about what type of job industry you may want to work in. Where is the job located? How much would you like to earn? What shift would you prefer? Do you want to work full-time or part-time? 
  • M is for measurable. In order to meet your goal of finding a job, what will you have to do? Plan out the tangible things that you will have to do. Maybe you need to update your resume, clean up your social media, or practicing your interview skills! If you want to know what your resume should look like, read our article. Make that list so you can keep track and achieve your goal.
  • A is for attainable. Be sure to think about your strengths and weaknesses and how they may impact you.  Also, consider your opportunities and threats along the way.  Knowing these things will make your goals more attainable.
  • R is for realistic.  When planning your goals, make sure you are not too far fetched. Often taking the “baby steps” first is more feasible on the route to achieving your dreams. Be truthful with yourself about what you can do right now. 
  • T is for timely… and timing is everything. Keeping a timeline on your goals will hold you accountable. Be sure to follow up with potential employers, respond in an appropriate manner, and always be on time!

 Remember to be S.M.A.R.T. when planning your job-seeking goals for 2021. For more information or to apply for a position, visit one of our three office locations or apply online today!